Emily Jones Lay

A little lagniappe for your life!

Spring Cleaning in 2021

Originally published in a lifestyle column for The Daily Star, Hammond, Louisiana

A little under a year ago, I began writing this column — originally named “Spring Cleaning and Quarantining.” As a newbie to the work-from-home lifestyle, I looked for ways to spruce up my new normal by cleaning out old things — and ordering new things online — all while managing the novel stress of pandemic life. This column started as a playful nod to the lifestyle we’d all suddenly found ourselves in: staying home and finding things to keep us occupied. As we come up on the one-year anniversary of the shutdown, I’d like to share my steps to successful Spring cleaning for 2021.

  1. Assess the situation. Maybe your household is a hot mess. Life is (almost) back to normal, and you’re busy. There’s laundry everywhere because you rarely have company anymore, and you’re still working your way through your taxes. Or, maybe you’ve had more time to keep it tidy — every bill, box, and baby toy is in its perfect place. Wherever you are on the spectrum, there’s always room for improvement, and figuring out your starting point is a must. If you’re like me, it’s a healthy mix between “Better Homes and Gardens meets better-clean-out-the-guest-room-closet.” 
  2. Make a list. Wanting to clean the baseboards? That’s cool. Just wanting to clean your plate at dinner? That’s cool too! In our house, we’re trying to do both. Whatever cleaning tasks or home projects you want to get done, make a list and check off each thing as you go to keep the feeling of accomplishment high.
  3. Out with the old. The saying “If you haven’t used it in a year, throw it out” simply doesn’t work any more. All of us can spot something in our home that hasn’t been used in the past 12 months, thanks to coronavirus: leftover birthday candles, that favorite sundress you wore on Easter in 2019, your suitcases, your serving dishes, your dress slacks for work, and the list goes on. Whatever it may be, don’t throw it out yet — you’re off the hook this year. Keep holding on to it and keep your hopes up high. 
  4. In with the new. So, you bought a breadmaker last year to give you something to do. Or, maybe you bought 6 puzzles. For me, it was a cake decorating set. We all added some extra items to the home during quarantine, and that’s okay. Go ahead and take it back out of the box (we both know you barely used it), and give yourself something fun to do this weekend instead of binge watching The Crown. You’re welcome.
  5. Do the shuffle. At this step, it’s possible you haven’t gotten rid of anything in your house. No problem! Just move things around to different spots in the room, and you’ll notice the difference right away. Before long, you’ll have shuffled around your whole house. Congrats on your home’s fresh new look!

I’m not much for cleaning or clearing out, but as things gradually get back to normal, I’m planning to clean my baseboards — and actually decorate a couple cakes. I wish all of you the best of luck with your 2021 Spring cleaning!