Hey there! I’m Emily. I’m a wife, a mom, and a Pittsburgh transplant from South Louisiana. I’m a fan of things that look good and taste good (aren’t we all?), so I’m here to share those things with you! My tastes always change, but some of my longtime loves are Jesus, multitasking, and a cup of black coffee.
My Current Favorites:
Show: The West Wing
Book: Peace Like a River by Leif Enger
Food: Butter on homemade bread
Drink: Spindrift Cranberry Raspberry
Place: Hammond, Louisiana
Hobby: Reading or listening to a book
Toddler Hangout Spot: the library
you might be wondering…
What is lagniappe?
This Cajun-French word simply means, “a little extra.” Think of it like a bonus, or something additional that you weren’t expecting. This space is just that; it’s a little lagniappe for your life!